Promoting the enjoyment and understanding of nature for naturalists and the public.
Nature in the Time of Physical Distancing
Bird Sightings
24 March 2020
Mountain Bluebirds
25 March 2020
Albino Robin, Texas Cr. Rd.
Bufflehead Ducks, Canal
Goldeneye Ducks, Canal
26 March 2020
20 Trumpeter Swans, Jones' pond
27 March 2020
100 Gray-crowned Rosy-finches, Lions Trail
31 March 2020
Violet-green Swallows, Lower Spawning Channel
07 April 2020
Turkey Vulture, East Lillooet
08 April 2020
Osprey, Naxwit
Golden Eagle, Naxwit
Merganser Duck, Nawxit
13 April 2020
Say's Phoebe, Texas Creek
14 April 2020
Varied thrush and robins, Pinegrove St.
20 April 2020
Screech Owl sound, Pinegrove St.
26 April 2020
Wood Ducks, Seton Spawning Channel
21 May 2020
Birds out of the ordinary at Riley Creek lately have included more calliope humming birds than usual, Cassin finches ruby crowned kinglets, western tanagers and lazuli buntings. Also a single and unphotographed sighting of a black-throated grey warbler.
Other Sightings
06 April 2020
Mourning cloak butterfly, East Lillooet
Marmot at the Old Bridge
10 April 2020
Two mountain goats having a dust bath, Naxwit.
Six mountain sheep, Seton Lake.