Bats of Lillooet

Municipal Bat-Roost
For mosquito control, San Antonio, Texas, 1913
WCS Bat Probiotics (YouTube)
WCSCanada Western Bat Program - Highlighting research from the Wildlife Conservation Society Canada Western Bat Program and celebrating bat ecology and the diversity of bats in British Columbia and western Canada
White Nose Syndrome
Key messages from the BC Community Bat Project regarding recent detection of Pd in BC.
Bats on the Brink
Video shows how scientists monitor bats & white-nose syndrome
by Jennifer Moore Myers, SRS Science Communications • October 27, 2022
Trick or ... a weed pull? Bat-friendly landscaping can help bats at Halloween
Net nights yield a wealth of batty data
Bridge River Lillooet News August 10, 2022
Summary of bats in the Lillooet area (August 2023 update)
Scientists Hope Probiotic Can Save B.C.s Bats from White-nose Syndrome.
Brieanna Charlebois, Canadian Press, published in Vancouver Province February 7, 2022
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Best Management Practices for Bats: Agriculture, January 2021
Brochure from Chapter 8: Agriculture in the Best Management Practices. for bats series.
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
A Farmer’s Toolkit
Managing bats on farms to help with natural pest control services. South Coast Bat Conservation Society 2020 . Toolkit.
International Bat Appreciation Day occurs annually on April 17th.
Got Bats? BC Community Bat Project (PDF Handout) June 2014
Bats of Lillooet, BC June 2014- Printable PDF Brochure
Bats of British Columbia
A Royal BC Museum Handbook by Cori Lausen, David Nagorsen, Mark Brigham and Jared Hobbs.A full-colour, fully updated field guide to identifying British Columbia’s bats, with new material on acoustic identification. . Press Release March 25, 2022.
BC Bat Action Team 2016-2020 Action Plan
In Response to the Threat of White-nose Syndrome. BC Bat Action Plan: (Detailed PDF) (Sortable XLS Summary of Action)
Lillooet Acoustic Bat Inventory - 2012
Over the summer of 2012 acoustic monitoring for bats was conducted in the Lillooet area. With the kind participation of some Lillooet area landowners the equipment was placed on several properties. See Full Article (PDF*). The same article, on page 2, also tells us the new name for the dreaded fungus that has killed millions of North American bats.
Bridge River Bat Assessment 2010
Prepared for: British Columbia Hydro Bridge Coastal Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program and for Matt Manuel-Lillooet Tribal Council. Prepared by: Mike Sarell R.P.Bio., Thomas Hill Jared Hobbs R.P.Bio./M. Sc., & Francis Iredale R.P.Bio.
Eastern Red Bat – presence in British Columbia
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Bats
Washington State Woodland Fish & Wildlife - Bats and Small Woodlands Publication 2019
Bat Conservation Times - enewsletter of Bat Conservation International Inc.
White-Nose Syndrome Alert - Bat Conservation Fact Sheet I (Spring 2009)
Scientists Struggle to Save American Bats (Article)
Bat Conservation International, News Release May 29, 2009 — Scientists searching for solutions to White-nose Syndrome (WNS), the most devastating threat ever faced by North American bats, met in Austin, Texas, this week (May 27-28) to review the latest research results and discuss the most critical priorities for the next three years.
Experts: Bat Fungus causing historic decline
Dina Capiello, June 4, 2009 WASHINGTON (AP) — A mysterious fungus attacking America's bats could spread nationwide within years and represents the most serious threat to wildlife in a century, experts warned Congress Thursday.
Migration of bats past a remote island offers clues toward the problem of bat fatalities at wind turbines (Article)
July 2007 - This is a preprint of a paper on autumn migration of hoary bats and its potential relevance to bat fatalities at wind turbines. The article will be published in the journal Biological Conservation during the coming months and is currently available on-line at:

Photo: Ian Routley

Photo: Ian Routley

Photo: Jared Hobbs

Photo: Jared Hobbs

Photo: Jared Hobbs

Photo: Jared Hobbs

Photo: Jared Hobbs

Photo: Jared Hobbs

Photo: Jared Hobbs

Photo: Jared Hobbs

These pictures show the effects of invasive burdock on the local bat population, of which some species are at risk. Bats provide a vital role in controlling the number of insects. With the threat of White Nose Syndrome efforts in monitoring, conserving, and protecting our bats are of greater importance.

These pictures show the effects of invasive burdock on the local bat population, of which some species are at risk. Bats provide a vital role in controlling the number of insects. With the threat of White Nose Syndrome efforts in monitoring, conserving, and protecting our bats are of greater importance. Photo: Ian Routley

These pictures show bats who are roosting in a narrow spot under the Bridge of the 23 Camels. Photo: Ian Routley

These pictures show bats who are roosting in a narrow spot under the Bridge of the 23 Camels. Photo: Ian Routley

When the Longhursts of Lillooet, discovered bats living in their roof one summer, they decided that once the bats had migrated to warmer climes their access would be sealed off. While the family wasn’t happy sharing their home with bats, they felt that it wasn’t quite fair to leave the flying mammals homeless. So the Longhursts decided to build a bat house. Photo: Ken Oakes